martes, 14 de octubre de 2008


Activity 3A: Task planning

Step one: Why ethics and values? Because during the learning process it is important to form a good behaviour in the learners in order to have an appropriate learning environment of respect and order. It is also important in a Foreign Language Learning process to reinforce different values that will help the understanding of a foreign culture as well as the own.

The role of values and ethics in education is to open learners’ mind in order to accept the differences in a society such as religion believes, races, customs, and politics ideologies and so on. Its place is every single subject the learner has, extracurricular activities and at home.

Step two: Where can we look for meaningful topics? We can look for meaningful topics in the Colombian General Education Law. In the Estándares Básicos de Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras: Ingles del Ministerio de Educación Nacional we can find the following standards about ethics and values.

Participo en situaciones comunicativas cotidianas tales como pedir favores, disculparme y agradecer (MEN document on Standards, p.23).

Expreso de manera sencilla lo que me gusta y disgusta respecto a algo (MEN document on Standards, p.23).

Identifico elementos culturales presentes en textos sencillos (MEN document on Standards, p.24).

Demuestro que reconozco elementos de la cultura extranjera y los relaciono con mi cultura (MEN document on Standards, p.25).
Step three: Brainstorming for meaningful topics: religion, laws, social differences, racism, world wars, world conflicts, and so on.

Step four: Selecting topics and designing tasks

Step five: Actual lesson planning: first class has six steps for being developed in fifty minutes.

Step One: Teacher divides the class in six groups of five students each one (one minute).

Step Two: Teacher gives to each group one envelop with some pieces of paper that form a definition of the word “religion.” Each group has a different definition but they do not know what it is about; they have to organize the sentence (four minutes).

Step Three: Once everybody has the right definition, they have to write it down on the board and after reading all the definitions the whole class must find out the word that belongs to those definitions (five minutes).

Step Four: Teacher asks students if they agree with those definitions and proposes them, working in the same groups, to write their own definition of religion (five minutes).

Step Five: Each group read its definition and the whole class discuss about them (fifteen minutes).

Step Six: Teacher asks what religion students know and does a brainstorming (twenty minutes).

1 comentario:

Maria Isabel dijo...

I like your topic and the chosen standards to perform it. In addition I like the way students are involved within the subject, by giving their own definitions and by discussing them among the class. I think you haven’t finished your task right? I would like to see the way you provide feedback and evaluate what they will learn.
I wonder, in terms of linguistics and grammar, what would they learn? How would they acquire respect for the others’ traditions and beliefs? Remember that a task is constituted by several activities chained by a common objective. Design some other activities to fulfill successfully the proposed standards.